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Course: Entrepreneurial Spirit (Instructor: MA. PHU Truong Thang)

This course is designed to instill entrepreneurial spirit among students through a combination of theoretical knowledge, practical exercises, and real-world applications. By the end of the course, students will develop a foundational understanding of entrepreneurship and key skills necessary for creating and managing a business.

Intercultural Communication-DOAN THI NGOC

As our world becomes smaller and globalization grows stronger, intercultural communication becomes more vital in order for students to communicate effectively in all areas of life. This course will present and thoroughly discuss key concepts of “culture”, “intercultural communication”, “cultural iceberg”, communication, culture shock, cultural dimensions.” Additionally, students will become aware of barriers to intercultural communication and the importance of non-verbal communication between cultures in order to build an open mind to cultural differences and diversity. Students will be also equipped with a variety of skills to overcome challenges and learn to successfully deal with the likelihood of such issues. By the end of the course, students’ level of cultural competency and awareness will increase significantly and they will develop abilities to participate in the global competition equally.

Teacher: Doan Thi Ngoc